
I can’t remember

I feel like a fool How can I forget such an easy thing? I’ve done it hundreds, maybe thousands of times I used to be so good at it. Nothing could stop me, it was as easy as breathing I look for the way and my muscles feel like they belong to someone else My […]

Poetry Uncategorized

Use My Eyes

This is not a nanowrimo thing but a poem I tried to write a while back. Needs…so much fucking love lol. But hey I’m just trying to put my shit out there. ——- Some people don’t think they’re beautiful and I don’t get that. Some people tell me I’m amazing and it leaves me wondering. […]


The hanging Tree

Johnny had always loved the old hanging tree. He looked out from the lightning scarred branches upon the rapidly drying dessert ground. The town mocked and shunned him morbid for his fascination. Little boys should be drawn to death they would say. Johnny agreed with them. He hated the bones that surrounded the tree, left […]


Flash Fiction : The cover Letter

The blank document taunted him. The sharp white pixels tearing into his mind, laughing at his continued failure. It demanded he fill in the details of my life, but every attempt left it wanting. He couldn’t figure out what they wanted to hear. How did one tell a company that they’d love to sell a […]


God’s Laugh- Working Title, fiction.

–Tried writing something concrete for an idea I’ve been playing with for 5 years or so. Not sure I really like the direction it went but meh,  Hopefully this will end up going somewhere but we’ll see. —-     Fellnort watched the boy running for his life and snorted. “Stupid thing has no chance. […]

Lit Uncategorized

Man I love, Lovecraft’s craft.

“My own rule is that no weird story can truly produce terror unless it is devised with all the care and verisimilitude of an actual hoax. The author must forget all about “short story technique” and build up a stark simple account, full of homely corroborative details, just as if he were actually trying to […]


Zombie Justice Warriors, 1000ish word story

“Your living normative views are archaic and monstrous in the post Zombie society.” The gray haired mohawk was blabbering again. Her face was a mask of righteous fury and contempt. I didn’t have to look to know, cause she never wore any other expressions. It’s how I knew it was a mask, cause it never changed. […]

Fiction RPG

First session D&D 5e AP

Because I haven’t written anything in forever, here’s the recap for first session of my homegroups 5e campaign.   Last time on, The Fate of Mercaers,   Our party found themselves in spot of trouble as they attempted to track down the erstwhile Tiernan MacWessel, the son of Wessel Hotch the town’s mayor who was […]

Fiction Lit

Brave New World sounded pretty cool

I think I took the wrong message from the book. Seemed like the book was trying to paint the world as a bad thing, but well, all that no war, no crime, ect seemed pretty fucking awesome. I know I know hedonism is supposed to be looked down on, but I fucked around with it for […]

Lit Uncategorized

Confederacy of Dunces

Still recovering from Poland so no time to really think through a good post so this just some ideas about the latest book I’m trying. Confederacy of Dunces was recommended to me by a number of friends, called a modern classic on some sites, and received pretty only praise for it’s wit, writing, and humor […]